
The cooling system in a refrigerator circulates coolant through thin radiator pipes at the back of the fridge. The Coolant is then returned through the expansion valve. The Coolant is the main component of your refrigerator. It is also responsible for keeping your food cold. The tubing that connects the compressor and the refrigeration coils is usually copper. Copper is ductile, which means that it can be bent without breaking, and is used for most refrigerators. Most modern refrigerators use Freon as the refrigerant.



Coolant Flows Around the Chiller Cabinet


The coolant inside your refrigerator is a pressurized liquid. When it is forced to flow through a pipe located at the back of your refrigerator, it becomes hot and expands, transferring the heat from the food inside to the coolant. The coolant then flows through an expansion valve and back into the insulated cabinet. The cycle continues, transferring the heat generated inside the refrigerator to the coolant that circulates in the cabinet.

The power cable runs from the power supply to the coolant chiller. Plug the power cable into the appropriate outlet on the cab-cool power supply. The temperature sensor cable is routed through cable carriers to I/O PCB plug P44. If you are using a manual to operate your chiller, you should refer to the manual and temperature sensor. Before removing the cover, you should first power down the machine and remove the enclosure panel.

Coolant Flows back through the Insulated Cabinet to the Expansion Valve


A refrigerator’s coolant is pressurized, and the sudden decrease in pressure causes the liquid to expand, turning it into a gas. This process is called the Joule-Thomson effect, after the physicists James Prescott Joule and William Thomson (Lord Kelvin, 1824-1907), who first discovered this phenomenon.

In a refrigerator, the liquid inside the fridge vaporizes and becomes a cold gas. This cold gas absorbs the heat from the food and flows through the expansion coils inside the refrigerator. Once the gas is drawn out, it returns to the compressor, where it is compressed into high-pressure gas. The cycle begins all over again. This is a good idea for any appliance requiring constant cooling.

The temperature of the refrigerant should match that of the saturation point in the evaporator, as it does in the case of a thermostat. This measurement is made by an expansion valve that’s internally equalized, which means it reacts to the super heat and returns the coolant through the insulated cabinet to the expansion valve. A technician can adjust this super heat level by turning an adjustable ring in the valve.

The expansion valve in a refrigerator works to eliminate pressure in the liquid refrigerant. The liquid enters the expansion valve warm and exits it cold. The orifice does not remove the heat, however, so it will spread the heat molecules out. In a 1-ton unit, that means that six pounds of refrigerant will flow back to the evaporator.

In refrigerators, the expansion valve is located at the end of the compressor, and is a removable cartridge. The inlet and the orifice in the expansion valve are connected to the control head via a pin. Once a temperature is reached, the refrigerant in the compressor will begin to boil, releasing thermal energy. The expansion valve also monitors the refrigerant’s temperature to prevent overheating or freezing.

In refrigerators, the thermal expansion valve (TEV) is responsible for regulating the temperature in the evaporator. To ensure that the refrigerant is properly cooled, the TEV must operate with a minimum level of working super heating. This minimum signal is determined by the type of TEV and the characteristics of the evaporator. The working super heating is then added to the static super heating. The operating super heating of the expansion valve will increase when the spring is stiff.


Coolant Moves Through Thin Radiator Pipes on the Back of the Fridge


To keep the temperature of your food at an ideal level, a refrigerator’s cooling system uses a refrigerant which flows through thin radiator pipes on the back. The refrigerant is a liquid that gives off heat. As the coolant travels through the radiator pipes, it cools back down to a liquid. Then, the coolant travels through insulated cabinet and expansion valve to the evaporator, which converts the liquid refrigerant back into a gas. Essentially, this process creates cooling.

To understand how a refrigerator works, you must know its various parts and the sequence of their functions. Look for a diagram showing the different parts on the refrigerator’s back or under the front grille. Also, look for a flat drip pan on the bottom of the refrigerator. This drip pan collects water that comes from the defrost cycle. This allows the water to evaporate from the bottom.


Coolant Moves Back through the Expansion Valve


A refrigerator works by circulating a liquid refrigerant through an expansion valve. As this coolant flows through the valve, it expands, changing the temperature. This process is called the Joule-Thomson effect, named after physicists James Prescott Joule and William Thomson (Lord Kelvin, 1824-1907). The resulting liquid cools the fridge’s interior dramatically.

To prevent refrigerant from escaping from the refrigerator, the liquid coolant is forced to move through the expansion valve. To do this, the liquid coolant is hot before it enters the expansion valve, and it exits cooler due to the lower pressure. As the liquid coolant moves through the expansion valve, the molecules of the refrigerant become separated, expanding and spreading. To regulate the flow, a diaphragm is placed between the expansion valve and a thermal bulb.

The refrigerant travels through the refrigerator’s expansion valve and the compressor. As it passes through the expansion valve, it experiences a significant drop in temperature. The refrigerant then passes through the compartments of the refrigerator, becoming gas. The cycle repeats itself, as the liquid cools the refrigerator’s interior and passes through the compressor. The evaporator and condenser are similar, but behave differently in the refrigerator’s interior.

The expansion valve in refrigerators is a mechanism that repeats constantly. It is important to note that this process does not cause a fridge to overheat. The pressure of the coolant will eventually stabilize. To prevent excessive heating, the technician can adjust the sensitivity of the expansion valve by turning the adjuster. This allows the technician to change the super heat of the device. This process allows the refrigerator to stay cold for longer periods of time.

The expansion valve in refrigerators is located at the top of the compressor. Its role is to increase the pressure of the refrigerant as it flows through the compressor. Once the pressure is reduced, the refrigerant will turn back to a liquid, making it safe for the evaporator to absorb. The process occurs in a closed cycle. If the expansion valve is clogged, the cooling cycle is halted.

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